Presentation at the International Conference 發表研究報告 EcoSta2019
Cheng Ting Hin, Li Ka Lok, Wong Chun Lam, Lau Suet Ying and Ng Chak Long presented their final year project work 'Identification of pairs trading opportunities using copula-based conditional probabilities and machine learning models' in the International Conference on Econometrics and Statistics (EcoSta2019) in Taiwan on 25-27 June 2019. Apart from presenting their work, they also attended several researchers' presentations. It is a memorable event for all the team members.
OUHK Dean's List Award 院長名單
CHAN Kin Ki 陳健祺, MAN Hon Wah 文瀚樺, POON Chi Kwan 潘志鈞
- Bachelor of Science with Honours in Statistical Analysis
CHAU Cheuk Fung 鄒卓峯, CHENG Sek To 鄭錫濤, CHEUNG Nga Hin 張雅軒, CHOW Lok Man 周樂敏, LAI Chun Wa 黎振華, LAM Wai Ki 林蔚琪, LI Ka Lok 李家樂, TSOI Yui Fung 蔡銳鋒, WONG Kam Man 黃錦文, WONG Man Chiu 黃文釗, WONG Yik Ho 黃億豪, XIANG Yu 向瑜
- Bachelor of Science with Honours in Statistical Analysis and Data Science
Alumni Experience Sharing 校友開心分享活動 2019
The 2019 alumni sharing activity was held at 25 May 2019 (Sat). We addressed the job characteristics/requirements of the following positions:
1) Research Assistant in PolyU; 2) Analyst in a Logistic firm; 3)Business Analyst in Bank of China; 4) Machine Leaning developer in the Science Park; 5) Statical Officer in the Census & Statistics Department. And, we have covered over 20 important interview questions, 10 written questions and shared a few websites for self-learning in machine learning knowledge.
Professional Attachment Programme - The Census and Statistics Department (C&SD) 政府統計處 2019
Professional Attachment Programme - The Census and Statistics Department (C&SD) 政府統計處 2019
Career Education & CV Workshop 2019
Thanks for the support form SAO, we have a special CV workshop session tailored for our Statistical Analysis & Data Science students on Mar 2019.
70.6% passing rate in SAS Certification Exam 認證考試 2019
Congratulations! 70.6% passing rate of the official Base SAS certification exam at SAS headquarter located in Tai Koo on Feb 2019.
Presentation at the International Conference HKICEAS
Lam Ho Yin presented his final year project work in the International Conference on Engineering and Applied Science on 18-20 Dec 2018. His reserach work is 'Empirical Mode Decomposition of Water Quality data for Random Forest Algorithm and Deep Neural Network'.
Summer Internship in a German business enterprise 外地實習體驗 2018
After the internship at Werkstatt-Bremen in Germany, Hiwin Lo is confident he has enhanced his adaptability and communication skills. A social services agency and business enterprise, Werkstatt-Bremen operates multiple workshops for individuals with varying levels of disabilities. His team members included individuals of different ages, Lo needed a high level of sensitivity when dealing with them. His interpersonal skills were enhanced remarkably during the internship.
Korea Study tour 韓國四天科技考察之旅 2018
32 OUHK students participated in the study tour visiting the Gachon University (嘉泉大學) and others exhibition sites including 首爾能源夢想中心, 首爾新活用廣場, 國立果川科學館, 三星D'Light Shop and Digital Media City in four days.
Alumni Experience Sharing 校友開心分享活動 2018
The 14 Alumni from the top-up BSc (Hons) in Statistical Analysis and Data Science (formerly known as BSc (Hons) in Statistical Analysis) shared their jon hunting experience in the Career development session on 14 Apr 2018 (Sat), 2:30-4:30p.
CV clinic 2018
Let's equip with prooer skills in writing your Application letter and CV for job applications.
SAS Global Forum Student Symposium
Four year 4 students (Man Hon-wah MAN, Chi-kwan POON, Ka-ming YIP, and Ho-yin LAM) submitted their Data Mining project report for the SAS Global Forum Student Symposium in application of SAS Analytics in big data.
Asia-Pacific Conference on Economics & Finance
Two graduates participated in the 17th Asia-Pacific Conference on Global Business, Economics, Finance & Social Sciences. The reserach work 'Copula Method for High Frequency Pair Trading – A Case Study of Forex Market' was accepted for presentation at the 17th Asia-Pacific Conference on Global Business, Economics, Finance & Social Sciences (AP18Hong Kong Conference) on 20 Jan 2018.
SAS certification exam 2018
A gorup of students taking the official SAS certification exam at SAS headquarter located in Tai Koo on Feb 2018 - Good luck.
6th Statistical Society cabinet 統計學會內閣 2018
6th Statistical Society cabinet 統計學會內閣 2018
Workshops on Financial and Economic Analytics 2018
A gorup of yr 3 students attended the Workshops on Financial/Economic Analytics on 8-9 March 2018. The two days workshop covering Time Series Models, Vector Autoregressive Model, Implied Risk-aversion, Realized Stochastic Volatility Models and High-dimensional Non-stationary Time Series, etc.
2018開sem活動 - 切燒豬
2018開sem活動 - 切燒豬.
Alumni gathering 2017
Let's chat and eat. Cheers.
Student society 統計 x 日本文化 x 遠足 x 羽毛球 學會 2017
本系同學活躍各組別活動, 包括遠足學會, 羽毛球學會及日本文化學會, 動靜佳宜, 是各會內中堅份子!
Student awarded HSBC scholarships 榮獲滙豐銀行獎學金 2017
滙豐銀行在本港設立多項獎學金計劃,嘉許在不同範疇表現優秀的大專生。今年,本校共有四名全日制學生晉身得獎者之列:修讀統計分析的陳志堃和精神科護理學的嚴佩詩獲頒「滙豐香港獎學金」;就讀精神科護理學高級文憑課程的陳佩婷和毛展鵬則獲「滙豐職業教育獎學金」。獲獎學生於2017年6月29日出席「滙豐智庫日」活動領獎。HSBC applauds tertiary students with outstanding achievements in different fields under various schemes in Hong Kong. This year, four OUHK full-time students won awards for excellence. Chan Chi-kwan, studying Statistical Analysis, and Yim Pui-sze, studying Mental Health Care Nursing, were awarded the HSBC Hong Kong Scholarship. Chan Pui-ting and Mou Chin-pang, both studying for the Higher Diploma in Nursing Studies, won the HSBC Vocational Education Scholarship. The awards were presented at the HSBC Scholars Day on 29 June 2017.
Japan Culture and Technology Exploratory Tour 日本文化科技探索之旅 2017
This is a five-day study your to Osaka visiting the Osaka Exchange, Science Museum, City Sewerage, Daihatsu Motor, Instant Ramen Museum, Expo Commemoration Park and Universal Studio Japan.
Sichuan (四川) study tour 2017
SiChuan study tour is a fantastic educational and cultural opportunity for students from School of Science and Technology at OUHK. SiChuan is an important city in Mainland China. Its cultural background and industrial development are valuable subjects to let our students learn and explore.
Poster presentation at ICEAS international conference 2017
全日制統計分析課程學生阮肇聰與指導老師朱振輝博士參與 2017年7月4日舉行的「第七屆工程與 應用科學國際研討會」,並在會上就研究項目「人工神經網絡和 LSTM 網絡在葉綠素預測之應 用」 進行海報展示。二人獲舒小佩慈善基金「飛躍夢想」 計劃資助出席研討會經費。Full-time Statistical Analysis student Yuen Siu-Chung, together with his supervisor, Dr Carlin Chu, gave a poster presentation of their project, ‘Prediction of Chlorophyll-a concentration using Artificial Neural Network and Long Short-Term Memory Network’, at the 2017 International Conference on Engineering and Applied Science (ICEAS) on 4 July. Conference expenses were provided by the Katie Shu Sui Pui Charitable Trust ‘We can Fly’ programme.
BBQ 2017 大尾督燒烤王
大尾督燒烤同樂日, 同學踴躍參加, 美景美食大抽獎, 樂而忘返!
Interning in new cultural settings 外地實習體驗 2017
今年暑假,有8位同學參加左由香港青年工業家協會資助嘅「新興工業國實習計劃」,喺越南胡志明市同海防市嘅工商企業實習。上星期,佢地喺分享會上講返所見所聞,除左累積左好多寶貴工作經驗,佢地亦同實習機構嘅員工一齊去探訪孤兒院,關心弱勢社群;又有同學喺公司安排下,到吉婆島體驗越南風土人情,收獲十分豐富。The ‘YIC x OUHK Internship Programme in Newly Industrialized Country — Vietnam’ supported eight students to intern in Ho Chi Minh City and Haiphong City for six weeks. The choice of location echoed the Government’s ‘Belt and Road’ Initiative. In addition to first-hand experience of local industrial practices and trade culture, it provided a window into industrial development trends in Southeast Asia. To enrich their internship experience, the students joined various cultural activities and visits in Vietnam. Before setting off for Vietnam, they visited branches of the designated companies in Guangdong Province.
The 3rd International Congress in Algebras and Combinatorics (ICAC) 2017
The 3rd International Congress in Algebras and Combinatorics (ICAC 2017) was held on 25 – 28 August 2017. Co-organized by the International Mathematical Olympiad Hong Kong Committee Limited (IMO), the Southeast Asian Mathematical Society (SEAMS) and the Institute for Research in Innovative Technology and Sustainability (IRITS), this international event gathered professionals for building up mature mathematical capabilities in the East Asian region. The congress also highlighted the public lecture ‘Mathematics: Science or Arts?’ given by Efim Zelmanov, a Fields Medal awardee at the International Congress of Mathematicians (1994).
Presentations in IRITS Science Week 2017
Three groups of students give poster presentations in IRITS Science Week. The topics include 'Nonlinear modeling of financial volatility series using Long-Short Term Memory (LSTM) network and revised Heterogeneous Autoregression (HAR) model' (by David Po-Kin Chan). 'Quantitative Analysis of Population Growth and the Demand on Social Service in Hong Kong' (by C.K. Tang, C.H. Tang, H.Y. Kwong, K.W. Lam). 'Multi-class discretization of chlorophyll-a concentration for water quality classification using Decision Tree, Logistic Regression and Neural Network' (by Siu-Chung Yuen, John Chi-Kwan Chan).
2017開sem活動 - 切燒豬
2017開sem活動 - 切燒豬
Internship and Exchange Program for Tertiary Students 大專院校學生實習交流計劃 2016
60 OUHK students participated the study tour. They had the opportunities to take part in service-learning activities, field trips on special topics, cultural exploration tours and visits to historical sites and enterprises.橫琴新區管理委員會、中山大學青年聯合會和中山大學研究生會答允負責協辦和接待公大交流團,香港學生須要在交流前預備有關中港兩地的經濟、文化、科技和文化創新的資料,以充實交流期間的內容。
O'Night 2017
作為開學的第一個活動, O'Night, 熱烈歡迎新同學加入本系, 當晚美食豐富, 又有抽獎, 渡過一個歡樂的晚上!
Interview preparation workshop workshop 2016
Students were trained by an external HR company for improving their interview skills.
Student gathering during summer vacation 2016
It is good to gather together in the cummer time.
Acquire 'SAS Certified Base Programmer for SAS 9' Credential 通過SAS認證考試
全日制統計分析課程學生陳志,劉瑞康,廖智健,馬景澤,吳嘉榮,冼卓傑,鄧俊勤,黃日豪和楊沛文在2017年6月通過業內認可的'SAS Certified Base Programmer for SAS 9 Credential'認證考試。Chan Chi-Kwan, Lau Shui-Hong, Liu Chi-Kin, Ma King-Chak, Ng Ka-Wing, Sin Cheuk-Kit, Tang Chun-Kan, Wong Yat-Ho and Yang Pui-Man from the full-time Statistical Analysis programme passed the industry-recognized 'SAS Certified Base Programmer for SAS 9 Credential' exam in June 2017.
Full-time students awarded HSBC scholarships 全日制課程學生獲 頒滙豐香港獎學金 2016
本校四位全日制課程學生在2016年6月13日舉行的「滙豐智庫日」獲頒滙豐獎學金。其中分別修讀中文、統計分析及商業管理的陳婉瑩、彭皓嘉及黃贊均榮膺本年度 滙豐學人,獲頒發滙豐香港獎學金。至於就讀護理學高級文憑課程的樊芷瑩則獲 頒用以嘉許高級文憑及副學士學位優異生、本年度新增設的職業教育獎學金。各得獎學生除了需學業成績優異,以及有出色的面試表現外,還需熱衷於服務社會。Four full-time students have been granted awards under the HSBC Scholarship Scheme and received honours at the HSBC Scholars Day on 13 June. Chan Yuenying (studying Chinese), Pang Ho-ka (studying Statistical Analysis) and Wong Tsankwan (studying Business Management) acquired the prestigious title of HSBC Scholars. Fan Tsz-ying (Higher Diploma in Nursing Studies) was presented the newly launched HSBC Vocational Education Scholarship, for students studying in full-time higher diploma and associate programmes. In addition to academic excellence and good performance in panel interviews, awardees must demonstrate a commitment to serving the Hong Kong community.
第七届世界華人學家大會, Tsinghua University 清華大學 2016
Our students attended the 第七届世界華人學家大會 in the Tsinghua University(清華大學).
Nanjing 南京 Study tour 2016
Nanjing 南京 Study tour 2016
Aptitude and brilliance in modeling contest 智取數模大賽獎項 2016
科技學院派出12支隊伍參加了中國工業與應用數學學會主辦的「2016 全國大學生數學建模競賽」,與來自中國各地和新加坡逾 31,000 隊大專生較量。參賽者需於 76 小時內建立數學和/或電腦模型,並藉此解決一個經簡化的實際工程或管理難題。本校學生結合數學知識和創造力,取得不俗成績。由修讀統計分析的黃日明和劉瑞康所組成的隊伍獲頒最高等級的一等獎榮譽,另外三隊也取得二等獎。Twelve teams of students participated in the 2016 Contemporary Undergraduate Mathematical Contest in Modeling, organized by the China Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, and achieved excellent results. The contest attracted more than 31,000 university and college teams from China and Singapore. Our students demonstrated outstanding mathematical knowledge and creativity under the advice of Dr Douglas Ng and Dr Carlin Chu. The team, formed by Wong Yat-ming and Lau Shui-hong, both studying Statistical Analysis, won first prize, the highest class of award, and three other teams obtained second prize.
Hong Kong Statistics Society 2016
A gorup of students attended the HKSS seminar in 2016
Lunch gathering for the beginning of the semester (開Sem飯) 2016
Lunch gathering for the beginning of the semester (開Sem飯) 2016
Poster presentation at international conference 發表研究成果海報 2016
全日制統計分析課程學生陳寶健與指導老師朱振輝博士在 2016年6月9日的「第六屆工程與應用科學國際研討會」上,發表其合作 項目「ICA 和 PCA 在股市波動信號之應用」的研究成果海報。Chan Po-kin from the full-time Statistical Analysis programme gave a poster presentation in the 2016 International Conference on Engineering and Applied Science (ICEAAS) on 9 June. His project, 'Feature extractions with ICA and PCA on financial signals for modelling stock market volatilities' was supervised by Dr Carlin Chu.
Statistical Analysis student awarded HSBC scholarship 2015
Full-time Statistical Analysis student Law Hiu-man and Accounting student Wong Sun-wing were selected for the prestigious HSBC Scholarship and each of them received an award of $50,000. Law Hiu-man attended the HSBC Scholars Day on 16 July 2014 and conveyed her gratitude to the donor via a creative drawing performance on the spot.
Student Career workshop 2015
Student Career workshop 2015
Christmas Party 2015
Let's enjoy the Christmas time together !
World Statistics Day 2015
The United Nations General Assembly designated 20 October 2015 as the second World Statistics Day to acknowledge the importance of high quality official statistics to making of better decisions and improving the lives of people. The slogan of the World Statistics Day 2015 is "Better data. Better lives", which conveys the idea that the ultimate goal of producing high quality official statistics is to improve the lives of people.
Tsinghua University Visit 清華大學數學建模競賽交流團 2015
與清華大學數學系交流, 硏討數學建模競賽課題, 同學獲益良多! 回港後團員更用心努力鑽研此課題, 最後還榮獲區際二等獎!
Hunan Cultural Exchange Tour 湖南文化交流團 2015
Hunan Cultural Exchange Tour 湖南文化交流團 2015
4th Statistical Society cabinet 統計學會內閣 2015
4th Statistical Society cabinet 統計學會內閣 2015
Visit to the Census and Statistics Department 2015
Our students are invited to have a visit to the Census and Statistics Department.
Christmas Party 2014
Let's play games during the Christmas time !
Career Seminar 2014
Student Career Seminar 2014
3rd Statistical Society cabinet 統計學會內閣 2014
3rd Statistical Society cabinet 統計學會內閣 2014
Lecture by Honorary Professor - Prof. James Caldwell 2013
Lecture by Honorary Professor - Prof. James Caldwell 2013
Lunch gathering for the beginning of the semester 開Sem飯 2013
Lunch gathering for the beginning of the semester (開Sem飯) - 2013
Statistical Analysis O'Night 2013
Let's enjoy the day !
1st Statistical Society cabinet 統計學會內閣 2012
1st Statistical Society cabinet 統計學會內閣 2012
Christmas Party 2012
Let's enjoy the Christmas time together !
Student gathering 2012
Student gathering 2012